Diamond Therapy (Facial Cleansing with Diamond)

It is the most innovative therapy the field of Dermabrasion has to show offering significant change in the skin’s appearance and texture with the most natural and skin-friendly way.

It is suitable for those who are looking for an alternative to the interventionist procedures and want perfect and immediate results in problems of:

  • dryness
  • aging
  • acne
  • hyperchromia
  • spots
  • damage from sun exposure.

The fact that it allows you to return to your daily activities immediately after the treatment makes it the ideal choice. With the Diamond Dermabrasion the skin is peeled using a rod with a diamond tip, through continuous cleaning (scrubbing) and vacuuming across the surface of the skin of the face, neck, hands, etc. So the aging and tired skin is removed, while at the same time procedures that rejuvenate the skin, the blood circulation are stimulated and collagen secretion is encouraged. In conjunction with correct treatments methods the Diamond Dermabrasion offers a soft skin with pleasant, beautiful and glamorous appearance already from the first session.